Friday, January 9, 2015

The Jillie Call

I am typing this all on my phone, so please excuse grammar or spelling mistakes.

About 1130 this morning, my vet called with no good news. No news, really. Hadnt improved but she still hasn't stood up or really done much. He suggested I visit the neurologist at Texas A&M. I told him I would think about it, but the undertone was - you can take her or she can die. So it made my decision easy. He told me an affordable cost, I accepted it. I immediately called Dad, who was on his way home from San Antonio. He would be back at 1, so I immediately left work and headed to get him and Jillie. We met Mom in Ft Worth and hauled it south.

She was alert in the car, she was perking her ears forward when she heard us talk to her, and at one point, she sat up, stood, switched positions, sat down, then went back to sleep. I was surprised that she even stood up. It was a happy surprise :)

Dad carried her into doggy ER, they took her back and examined her for a LONG time. Then they called us back and told us what the deal was.

She is now blind in both eyes, which means it is still progressing. They know it is neurological, because it is affecting all her face muscles and making it hard to swallow. The only way to tell is an MRI and a spinal tap. So for some reason, we agreed to this. We got to see her, and she was comfortable and alert, but she would flinch very easy if we came near her face and still wasn't wagging her tail, although she moved it when we first walked in. I'm afraid that her happy tail wag is also connected to her brain, but hopefully it can all be fixed. We are hoping for news tomorrow and that she can come home on Sunday. I know she is literally in the hands of some of the best doctors and in one of the best schools. 

Positive thoughts :)

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