Blake and I took a cloth diaper class at The Nappy Shoppe in Plano, TX, but my sister was right - you don't know what you like until you try them. We tried many different kinds, but definitely found our niche! So I will start with the different types/the ones we tried, and the ones we settled on.
Also to note: we have a baby with very runny poops. If your baby has more solid poops, other options might work better for you. We have a heavy pee and runny poop situation.
The all-in-one diaper is just as it says - this is the only diaper you need. No inserts, no covers, just a diaper just like a disposable, except you wash it and re-use it.
To be honest, yes, not having to stuff, snap, or clip it together was nice, but there were SO many bad things about all-in-ones to me. Different sizes are available. We had newborn and one-size.
They were not near as absorbent as other kinds. He leaked through both kinds that we tried, to the point that I was afraid to try more brands because it was too messy to deal with. They are expensive. Almost twice as expensive as other diapers. They take a long time to dry. Do I need to go into further detail? That part sucks, because no part of it can go in the dryer.
4th place for us.
They are reusable. When baby goes potty, you can just snap/slide in a new insert and you are good to go.
They leak if the poop is runny. Which ours always are, so I really only use these after he's had a poop, when I know it won't leak out.
They are easy. Just snap it in and out, and the covers are reusable.
2nd place for us.
After we got out of disposables (we were in those for about 3 weeks for reasons,) these were what we used for about a month. They take some getting used to, and there is a learning curve, and you have to touch pee and possibly poop. We liked them, for what it's worth, but they just weren't our favorite and we don't use them anymore.
They are inexpensive. Without runny poops, one cover might last all day. We really made it through with like, six covers and quite a few inserts. The covers are reusable. One pee, fix up the wet part, then throw the cover back on. You can choose snappies or velcro closures. Makes it good for newborns as well as when they get bigger. Different sizes are available. We had newborn and one-size.
Get ready to touch wet cloth. I never prepared myself for this. It's literally like a moist kitchen towel to touch, which was unsettling at first. There is a learning curve. Blake HATED to put these on. I feel like the sizing was never perfect. To ensure the butt was covered, plus the front, plus used a snappy, plus got the cover on over our big baby, it was kind of a hassle.
3rd place for us (probably last place for Blake!)
We accidentally got these at Blake's diaper shower when we asked for cloth diapers. I didn't even know what they were, to be honest. I was like, how the heck are we supposed to put an insert on there? I'm pretty sure I just laid an insert on there and put it on him once, until I realized there was a pocket. Good job.
In all honesty, these have become our go to. The sitter doesn't mind them, Blake doesn't mind them, my mom doesn't mind them, and they are even easy for my grandmother. I could gush over these, to be honest, even though I know these are not everyone's favorites.
You can prepare as many day's worth at a time as you have. Every other night, I wash covers and inserts, I dry the inserts and hang the covers (even though it says that you can put them in the dryer.) They are easy to use for everyone.
There is only one elastic band around the leg, so it does leak sometimes. Sometimes, little pieces of the cloth/fuzzies get stuck to him, including on his tee-tee.
First place for us!
There may be other kinds, but these are what we started with/learned about in our class, so all others are more foreign to me.
Thanks for stopping by!
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